Care Evolution Logo Care Evolution

Make sense of healthcare codes and concepts

Almost all C-CDAs contain uncoded or poorly coded data. Mapping and classifying inputs using standard code systems can improve your clinical data files, resulting in better data analysis, visualizations, and aggregation for various applications.

radiant check mark icon


Take an input code and/or free text and find matching codings from reference code systems. The specific reference code systems used depends on the domain (e.g., medication codes may use codings from RxNorm and NDC; report types may use LOINC and SNOMED).

radiant classify icon


From an input coding, get a set of classifications based on the domain (e.g., medication code may be classified by ingredient and strength; condition by clinical category and acute vs chronic).

Why use CareEvolution’s Terminology?

  • Versatile

    The Terminology API makes sense of your healthcare data regardless of the terminology used—even free-text.

  • Automated

    The Terminology API automatically maps coded or uncoded clinical data to multiple reference code systems, then further classifies them based on domain.

  • Cloud native

    Terminology has modern, cloud native architecture.

  • Proven

    Terminology has been developed and refined by CareEvolution® over the past 15+ years.

Terminology experience

  • 95% Of files corrected
  • 40+% Increase in correct data
Standardize coding in C-CDAs

Sample Processing

See below how important patient health data is uplifted.

Terminology Uplift Interface Screenshot

Trusted by leading healthcare organizations

  • Clover Logo
  • Trinity Logo
  • Clareto Logo
  • ECU Logo
  • Avaneer Logo
  • Camden Logo

Learn more about the Terminology API.