Care Evolution Logo Care Evolution

Elevate your research using a modular data platform for comprehensive analysis-ready participant data.

The ability to act on data lies at the heart of an efficient and effective research study. CareEvolution® enables researchers to elevate their studies through a modular no-code platform for cutting-edge patient engagement. While Discover utilizes customizable modules to launch any type of study, Orchestrate transforms your data to unlock a new depth of data analysis.

mipact logo

Real world example MIPACT Study

University of Michigan built the “Michigan Predictive Activity and Clinical Trajectories (MIPACT) observational research study on the MyDataHelps™ platform.  Each day, participants took 2 sets of 2 blood pressures, wore their Apple Watch for 12 hours, completed 2 “Breathe” sessions, and provided electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs). The study enrolled 6,735 participants and resulted in 98.3% compliance for Phase 1 of the study.  The robust data set, that includes electronic health records (EHR) and genetic information, will be used to understand the relationship between sensor data and different health outcomes. 

Proven track record

  • 75B EHR and claims data elements processed
  • 100+ Top academic medical centers in the US have leveraged CareEvolution’s technology
  • 2.4M Patients interacting with CareEvolution’s digital tools
  • 200K Wearables/devices connected

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